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January 22, 2010


Hello!Saben1 Here! I have found Rumors.The Rumors May Not Be Real But they are rumors ;)

1-Tipping The Iceberg-
One of the greatest rumors to ever have hit CP was the “Tip The Iceburg” rumor. For years, people have thrown iceburg tipping parties, all in the effort to be able to say that they tipped the iceburg. However, I have seen times where I couldn’t get into the iceburg because it was full, yet it hadn’t tipped, and Aunt Arctic also once said that she thinks it is just a rumor. This leads me to believe that this rumor is, at least for now, just a rumor.

2-Rainbow Puffle-
Another one of CP’s great rumors is of the rainbow puffle. There have been videos all over Youtube about ways to get orange, brown, and rainbow puffles. Sadly, however, none of them are true. Club Penguin has not yet released any fabeled puffles, except the “Golden Puffle”(see “Busted Rumors” below). Im sure we will all hear when a new color puffle has been discovered.

3-Rockhopper Island-
Another rumor that has been around for a few years was that you can travel to Rockhopper island. Poeple say you can sit on the Dock, and a bottle will appear asking if you want to go. Also, it has been said that if you sit on Rockhoppers ship when hes going to leave, you will leave with him. None of these rumors, sadly, are true. Rockhoppers Island is only accesible to Rockhopper, Yarr, and the wild red puffles that live there.

Here Are Some Busted Rumors:

One rumor that has been busted is the ninja rumor. For years now, all the way back to an earlier version of CP, there had been rumors about ninjas. On Penguin Chat 3, the version of Club Penguin before Club Penguin, you click on the n in Penguin to be able to be a ninja penguin. On CP’s old homepage, you could click the ‘N’ in the world Nightclub in the background, and the penguin in front would turn black and get a ninja mask. Eventually, in November 2008, HUGE things started happening to prove ninjas existed. First, you could click on the N on the Nightclub sign, and a ninja would appear and start bouncing around for a few seconds, then it would disappear. The same thing would happen the Plaza, except it would happen automatically a few seconds after you entered the room. If you went to the Agent HQ, and waited for a few seconds, on a few of the monitors, black silhouettes of penguins would appear, and then on the screens it would say, “WE DON’T EVEN EXIST!”. Lastly, a newspaper that came out with the headline,”LightNINg Strike: DoJo DAmaged.” if you would click on the letters I have capitalized and in bold, a message would appear talking about fire, lightning, and snow. Well, that message finally made sense when ninja training started on Nov. 17th, 2008. The elements were for cards you would use to earn belts and become a ninja. See Ninja Training tips for more details.

2-Golden Puffle-
Ok, so it isnt really a Golden puffle, but it is as close as you can get. Ever since puffles were released, different colors started coming out, but never anything special. The penguins wanted to be bedazzled by glittery puffles. The wanted rainbow, silver, and gold. Well, in November 2007, these fabeled “golden puffles” started popping up in different rooms. In the next newspaper, they were introduced, but they were yellow, not gold. They were availiable to members on November 30th, 2007. They are very artistic.


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